B.C. Birch Company
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Listed in Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry, Fishing & Forestry
- Address: 3047 Joy Rd Quesnel British Columbia V2J 6K5
- Phone: (250) 747-7445
- bcbirch@telus.net
B.C. Birch Company purchases standing timber, primarily Western White Birch species. Some Douglas Fir, Pine and Spruce are also harvested as a residual species. B.C. Birch Company harvests the timber and hauls it to our facility in Quesnel, British Columbia. The logs are processed into cants on a circular sawmill and further break-down to lumber is done on a horizontal band resaw. The lumber is then either sold green or kiln dried and surfaced to client specifications. Douglas Fir, Pine and Spruce logs are sawn into timbers on the circular saw and sold as timbers. These can also be surfaced to client specifications as required.
Contract Logging